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Diferent forma de comunicar és la que es necessita per descriure en forma de text, foto i/o vídeo l’experiència amb un determinat producte: roba, accessoris, experiència o moto que sigui.
Tot i que a dia d’avui les persones dediquen sempre menys temps a llegir, a través d’imatges guiades per textos dedicats és possible entrar al llindar d’atenció del lector emocionant i informant alhora.

visiona més del meu portfolio directament a instagram
compten la seva experiència
"We were very impressed by your passion for motorcycling as well as those agencies you have worked with in the past. We were also impressed by the solid audience that you have built up and for your great passion for our products and generally love the content you create on social media"

"That video is so good!! We hope you receive a million new followers! Really very well done. Your editing and storytelling skills are awesome! Hands down. We saw a lot and it really stands out!"

"Andrea, I just watched the video. You did a perfect job with this video! I couldn't have done it better by myself (not at all). Can't thanks you enough You explained everything well and showed the pros and cons. Perfect, thanks you!"

"Thanks so much! This is really great stuff! Our whole team was stoked when they saw the pictures! Simply unbelievable! Thank you very much for this amazing effort! We will definitely have even more use for the photos now!"

"Andrea, I'm the social media manager at Cardo. The video you sent in -I have to personally say- you are a legend! It's amazing! The team loves it.... post it tomorrow morning!

"Hi Andrea, I hope you are doing fine. I' m in the south of France now. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the training with you. Best, Juergen"